"Jupiter's Fate" - Mural across from the Berkeley Bowl in Berkeley, CA
"Jupiter's Fate" - Mural across from the Berkeley Bowl in Berkeley, CA
The red string of fate comes from Japanese folklore, and it is an invisible thread that ties you to your soulmate. In this piece, is ties together the many aspects of music artist, Franki Jupiter's life.
The red string of fate comes from Japanese folklore, and it is an invisible thread that ties you to your soulmate. In this piece, is ties together the many aspects of music artist, Franki Jupiter's life.
In Japanese folklore, it is said that you are tied to your soulmate by an invisible red thread that connects your pinkies to one another across time and space. This mural was inspired by that concept. Franki Jupiter's "fate" is tied to his voice, partnerships, travel, and his beloved pets.
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